Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and change by rapidly displaying set of static images that minimally differ from each other. This technique can be used to bring characters to life and make it appear like they are in motion!
Career Opportunities
CoreDraw, Illustrator, Photoshop, editing, colouring, pre-production, developing images, Nik collections, camera raw, light-room, designing of cartoon character, logo, visiting card and other company profile
Flash, Story Board Planning, 2D Animation concepts, Working with different tools and various controls, Creating an image, Animated Objects, Track view, Using Expressions, Tweening Animation, Key setup & Key Frame Animation, Character Drawing, Movie Clip, Toolbar, working with scenes, working with Sound
Introduction to 3DS MAX, Modelling, Shedding and texturing, lightning, rendering, customising toolbar, 3D pipe-lining, poly modelling, spline modelling, patch modelling, mesh modelling, creating product model, 3D walk-through, character animation
Introduction to VFX, After Effects and plug-ins, Introduction to NUKE, composing, video effects, croma keying, adobe premier, video editing, sound mixing and editing, create or record new sound file, creation of reel